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Flying balloons

Bar mitzvah at the Kotel in Jerusalem and its decoration

A Bar mitzvah is an important event in the life of any boy. The parents always do everything to make the occasion special and memorable. Decorating the ceremony in the right way is a good choice to create a festive mood and to take magnificent photos during the event.

Balloons for Bar mitzvah

Balloons decorations are considered a family tradition. They are used during various holidays and events to decorate the halls or to make them a part of the celebration. Thus, you can raise the emotions on a new level.

During Bar mitzvah, the balloons look very impressive together with the long shofars and other elements of the ceremony. There are common colors, which are preferable for such an occasion:




photo bar mitzvah in israel
Bar mitzvah at the Kotel in Jerusalem with balloons release

It is also possible to select the other shades combination. However, it is required to remember that there are colors, which do not correspond to the Torah. They include, for instance, orange and red hues.

What to do with balloons on Bar mitzvah?

Balloons can have an important symbolic meaning during such an event. One of the good traditions, the organization of which is offered by Kinor David, is the release of the balloons in the sky. It is also possible to write prayers or wishes on them.

Such a ritual fills the hearts of the guests with spirituality, holiness, and joy. Besides, everyone feels the significance of the occasion. The balloons flying to the sky look extremely beautiful and attract everyone’s attention.

photo bar mitzvah aliyah
Bar mitzvah at the Kotel in Jerusalem decoration with balloons

Another good idea is to decorate a restaurant hall with the balloons. You can choose the items of the same color used during the official ceremony preserving the common style.

You can apply the balloons to decorate the tables, chairs, entrance, and other parts of the place of celebration.

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