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Drummers at the Western Wall

Bar mitzvah in the Western Wall with the drummers

Many Jewish families want to make Bar mitzvah a special event for the hero of the occasion and for the guests. Music is a perfect choice to reach the required atmosphere of the celebration at every stage of it.

Drummers are considered an exciting attraction. The appropriate music being played during various parts of the ceremony allows making the event memorable.

The importance of music during Bar mitzvah

There are hardly any Jewish holidays, which are not accompanied by the music. Bar mitzvah in the Western Wall is not an exception. People usually prefer traditional music during such an event. It is called Klezmer music and is performed by the skilled and experienced musicians. Besides, there are certain musical instruments preferred for the event:
 1. drums
 2. accordions
 3. shofars
 4. clarinets
 5. saxophones
 6. guitars
 7. trumpets, etc.

It is possible to select two or more musical instruments (it is relevant for a big family or for a large number of guests). What’s more, Kinor David will provide you with an impressive choice of your favorite songs.

photo bar mitzvah package israel
Bar mitzvah ceremony at the Kotel

How accompaniment is organized?

When you order musicians for Bar Mitzvah, it is vital to consider every stage of the event. The musicians must be informed when they are to stop playing and which music is preferred during definite parts of the ceremony. The professionals also offer a nice wedding canopy for your ceremony.

It is possible to hire the musicians for:

greetings of the family

entry of the hero of the occasion

meeting and entertainment of the guests (they will be playing near the bus)

photo bar mitzvah itinerary israel
Bar mitzvah tours of Israel

Almost all the families organize parties after the official ceremony. The musicians can fill it with fun and joy by means of their music.

Remember that it is necessary to order musicians for your Bar mitzvah celebration in advance. You can consider the musical styles they are experienced at and the compositions they play.

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