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How the holiday is organized?

The specificities of Bar Mitzvah etiquette may vary but the modern ceremony of conducting Bar Mitzvah is done in a similar manner.

First and foremost, this is the first-ever call of a boy to read from Torah on his own (or Haftarah) during a Sabbath or any other rite ceremony. Starting from 1967 in Israel, a lot of boys take the ritual part in the ceremony in the near to the Western Wall (Wailing Wall or Bar Mitzvah Kotel), making for that special pilgrimage to Jerusalem to have Bar Mitzvah in Israel.

The specific actions of the hero of the day will depend on his adherence to the current of Judaism he belongs, the program offered by the organizer, and traditions of his community. But the bottom line is the fact that Bar Mitzvah receives presents and the ceremony is often accompanied by throwing candies (and sometimes small-face coins) into the crowd of festive people.

The presents

Traditional presents are few: religious Bar Mitzvah book or books for education, along with ceremonial items prescribed by the religion. The presents also can be sweet: like Bar Mitzvah cake.

However, this is not the common case in all ceremonies and, as the world of today is a completely pragmatic place, the given presents can actually largely vary. Their essence and value nowadays depend only on the wealth of the family members and present guests.

If the money-value items are given as Bar Mitzvah cash gifts, these can be:

  • shares, stocks, financial papers, and derivatives
  • deposit Bar Mitzvah certificates to bearer
  • money
  • cheques and so on.
photo bar mitzvah planners in israel
Bar mitzvah ceremony at the Kotel

The boy in this age definitely understands how to make use of this money – or else, at least, he’ll receive the first financial experience that easy money is never cherished. Or, vice versa, he can show his great investments gift and turn this money to double or treble money after some time – you never know. So, if you are pondering on how much to give for Bar Mitzvah – consider the real financial preparation of a boy and if he knows how to spend money with goodness.

Sometimes during Bar Mitzvah customs, boys receive something they can’t afford to have immediately – like cars or yachts. But this is the case with extremely wealthy parents and we’re sure they’ll give their boy a servant to handle these.

A mandatory thing also is that a boy wears his first 2 Tefillin – on a bicep of the left hand and on the head (as important Bar Mitzvah symbols). This is a very precious thing, even more than money if to take into account its spiritual value.

photo bar mitzvah in israel
Bar mitzvah in israel

What about something delicious in Bar Mitzvah at the Western Wall?

Of course, people are all different. Someone may consider that eating in proximity to the Wall is a sin. Other people may think that killing your hunger fast with light Bar Mitzvah food is an excellent idea after the ceremony that takes powers. Some other people gather selves in a fancy restaurant to celebrate the boy’s life turn in the broadest manner, ordering big Bar Mitzvah menus.

As all of us are different, during the organization of celebration, we take into account all your wishes to snacks and organize everything you want on the appropriate level and in the selected location.

Making this, it is important to consider all peculiarities of the specific current of Judaism, the community habits, and personal preferences.

During it, the Bar Mitzvah says the speech, usually about his understanding or interpretation of parts from Torah or a Talmud topic that is closely related to the issues that Bar Mitzvah feels obliged to speak about.

Listening to his wise words, present adults rejoice about the boy and his intellect. Since now, the kid is not a child anymore and must stick to Torah’s commandments.

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