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Bat mitzvah dresses in NYC and other aspects of event – Kinor David

Bat mitzvah and its importance

Bat mitzvah is one of the important ceremonies for the Jewish girls. It signifies their adulthood. On the day of Bat mitzvah, they become full members of the Jewish society. Their new obligations include the observance of the commandments of Torah.

As soon as a girl gets 12, she starts preparing a beautiful Bat Mitzvah dress (whether she is in NYC or somewhere else) and waiting for a significant ceremony and further celebration. As Bat mitzvah is a serious and important religious and cultural occasion, many Jews prefer organizing it by the holiest place – the Western Wall of Jerusalem.

Bat mitzvah dresses in NYC and other preparations for the ceremony

Everything is important for a girl, who is preparing to become a grown-up. Bat/Bar mitzvah is not just a party, which is full of fun. It is a spiritual experience and one of the milestones in the girl’s life. The preparations start months before the ceremony. They usually consist of various studies:

  • learning about the mitzvahs
  • getting to know how to do mitzvahs.

Besides, there are special schools for Jews or after-school programs for better preparations for the ceremony.

The girls prepare every detail for the ceremony, including their clothes. The clothes of the guests are also of importance, as there is usually a definite style. The key requirements say that the dresses should be neat, clean, and beautiful.

photo bat mitzvah
Bat mitzvah ceremony at the Kotel

How do the parents help prepare for the ceremony?

Parents’ role is very important in the Bat mitzvah ritual. They usually select a special company for the organization of such an event (for instance, Kinor David). Thus, they can become a part of the occasion and not to lose a moment. The following things are important:

  • synagogue choice
  • tutorial lessons for a daughter (thus, you can avoid too much pressure on you)
  • day and time of the ceremony
  • program (for example, the ceremony at the Kotel might include tours, a nearby restaurant rent, etc.).

Make sure that your kid is skilled enough in Hebrew reading.

It is better to prepare the ceremony together with the children and according to their preferences. It is also vital to select a restaurant for the celebration and order it in advance (consider the decorations and cuisine).

A teacher, rabbi or tutor can assist you with the preparations and give the right direction to organize the ceremony strictly according to the traditions.

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